I’m looking at you Oldest Daughter, or the Daughter who had to Shoulder the Most. I’m looking at you, Seeker, who had to do it all alone but always knew there must be a better way.
There are people in your life today that weren’t a part of your past. They won’t treat you the same way. They aren’t- if you really stop to think about it. You’re just afraid they will ✨
There’s a difference between repeating patterns, what we attract that we don’t 100% have control over & consciously or unconsciously accepting less than what we need because it’s all we’ve ever known, & projecting all we’ve ever known onto every relationship because all we’ve ever known has formed the foundations of all we’ve ever learned about relationships & what to expect (!).
You are not hard to love. So don’t make it hard to love you 🌥
Take a deep breath & look around ⛅️
via @luminarytherapyaz on Instagram